The little conversation went on a bit longer, then it was back to Q & A. I was stunned. Here was a real live actor, who I have no doubts, will be a very big star one day, pointing me out in an audience. The sad part is I have to say in my review of his film I saw this night that I thought it was pretty bad. I can say for his behalf, I don't think it's his fault or Salma's, but a lack of story development, character development and a lack of direction and pacing. You wanna see Russell Crowe, go see L.A. Confidential, that's a real damn good movie.
Later I got a chance to shake Russell's hand and do a little chit chatting at a party after the screening. I didn't hang on to him, because I respect his right to drink Shiner Boch and eat Guacamole at his own pace.
P.S--Guys, don't flood Harry with questions about this. He's a VERY busy person who receives far too much email as it is.